
How to Turn Insight Into Action

Business owners often need to make difficult decisions about how to raise revenue and earn more money.  The process of making genuine decisions often boils down to a business’s ability to consolidate all types of insight to bring about meaningful actions with which to carve profit from the marketing landscape.  It might be hard to discern what such an activity looks like in the digital age.  There is so much data to capture and information to consider.  Any business professional must be ready to leverage data and digital technology against any obstacle or competitor.  It is not always easy to fight this fight, but if a business owner knows how to turn insights into action, then he or she may be a fierce force with whom to be reckoned!

1. Sync Snowflake to Hubspot

This is one of the most powerful ways to advance your marketing capabilities.  Snowflake and HubSpot are incredible digital powerhouses by themselves, but the best data teams know how to combine the two into a truly unstoppable CRM.

Every interaction among customers can shed light on their needs and desires.  Knowing these needs will allow you to make critical business decisions surrounding what serves customers best.  Syncing Snowflake to Hubspot is a lot like starting an old generator.  Persistence is key, but you may not necessarily have to be an ingenious software developer.  HubSpot captures most of the data about customers, but this collection requires an extra step.  HubSpot shows you only one view of the customer, and this view ought to be elaborated in order to bring about the best possible business decisions.  More unique data can be stored in the Snowflake technology.  This creates a more comprehensive view of customers that is personalized and effective enough to inform an executive department’s decisions

2. Consider Your Business’s History

Digital tools that regard data analytics are perfect for discerning the events that have happened at your company.  With enough information about the past, business teams can make predictions about the future.  Real-time reports straight from customers are as central to a business’s performance as a protein-rich diet is to a human being.  If you combine data analysis with machine learning, then the marketing possibilities are nearly endless, and there are many ways to employ your creativity against difficult problems.  A marketing team can tap into machine learning to automate commentary and other stages of the advertising process.

Identifying trends becomes more pointless in the evolving marketing landscape, but as long as one taps into accurate models and insights, one can keep up with that landscape in an effective way.

3. Use External And Internal Data

While it may not have a tangible form, data is one of the most valuable items on the planet.  It is the very item that allows businesses to grow and thrive.  It can make or break any company, no matter the size.  While data is everywhere, the only companies that thrive are the ones that harness the power of data effectively, and there are very specific ways to go about this.

Business owners have always tapped into data to prove points and elucidate claims, but the 21st century presents a need for generating insights as well as supporting existing insights.  Using both external and internal data is a great way to guarantee the financial progress of your business.

There have been exciting developments in the so-called internet of things that advance the potency of data collection.  We are talking about automation, data analysis, big data, and even data storage.  After decades of focusing on how to harness the power of data, we must now focus on what data is useful; what data can be leveraged against an unforgiving future.

4. Combine Artificial And Human Intelligence

There may be no real way to replicate a human mind.  Suggesting that such a process is possible assumes that the human mind is replicable, but neuroscientists and computer scientists are not sure this is possible.  Still, there are circumstances under which artificial intelligence can pick up humans’ slack by addressing the most menial tasks.  This allows for human intelligence to address the important stuff.  Computers are great bookkeepers and administrators.  They are great places to store information, but the bottom line is that they cannot bring anything new to the table.  That is the responsibility of the human beings in your marketing team.  A computer can contain and assist, but it cannot emulate Leonardo da Vinci.  At least, not yet.

The most realistic future is one where humans and robots work together.  Human achievement is simply too complex for robots to take over completely, so only certain activities must be outsourced.  Ultimate decisions at the business level must always be handled by human beings.  This is the only compromise that will be effective.

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